• (281)409-5329

  • Houston, TX

Women Apprenticeship Program – WAP

Women Entrepreneurship Program – WEP

Support for women in micro and small businesses with grants to improve their trade and also offer support to other needy women and the community as a whole. It is our expectation that when women succeed in trade, the family and the community will become the biggest beneficiary

Scholarship for Women – SfW

A dedicated fund to offer brilliant but needy girls from deprived communities’ scholarship for higher studies. These women are supported to develop thriving careers in order to become role models in their societies impacting lives and the community

Women in Farming (Agriculture) – WiA

This program is designed to assist rural women farmers to overcome the challenges they face with farm land acquisition, access to credit, extension services etc. Even though women in the farming communities do the bulk of farm work, issues such as gender based violence, forced marriages, sexual abuse, discrimination amongst others hinders their progress. The principal objective of this program is to reduce poverty among rural women and empower them to claim their economic, social and human rights

Women Disability Fund – WDF

This program seeks to identify women with all forms of disability and support them with grants designed to promote the social and economic well-being of families. Parents with disabled children grapple with medical bills, therapy and extra care which causes financial crises for many a family

Women Health Care Program – WHCP

Partnership with volunteer health professionals and other institutions to provide basic health education and workshops for women, particularly on hygiene, sexual and reproductive health etc. This program will also provide assistance to enroll rural women on health insurance programs to enable them have access to free healthcare. Align Hope is partnering Project Pad a Girl Foundation – Ghana, to embark on a comprehensive outreach to eradicate the use of unsafe materials during menstrual cycle in deprived communities

Pregnant Women Nutritional Support – PWNS

Collaboration with some UN sponsored NGOs to provide pregnant women with vitamins and other nutritional support

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